The cultivation of discipline through exercise and training.

Guidelines and Suggestions

This style of working out and training encompasses everything the body needs. This is not only for tree planters, but fitness and health enthusiasts.

The workouts were trialled over the course of September 2023-April 2024, and continue to be used by close to a dozen planters. More feedback coming after the 2025 season.

These workouts were created by Brandy Griffin, a certified personal trainer operating out of Vernon, BC. Instagram link here.

Click here for information on exercises and specific workouts.

Advice for the workouts

  • These workouts are intermediate to advanced workouts, so if you are relatively new to more intense workouts, start slow. If you need guidance for proper technique, or are unsure of the workout listed you can contact us via email. Also a simple google search can help guide you.

  • Lower the weight and find the technique.

  • Lower the amount of rounds you do.

  • Try to build yourself to be able to get these workouts done with the rounds suggested in 60-70 minutes.

  • Stay consistent. Doing less, but still doing it everyday is far better than doing one or two big days a week. Consistency is key.

Recovery Solutions

  • Sauna. Hot therapy aids in blood flow and muscle recovery.

  • Cold tub or cold showers. Cold therapy helps reduce muscle soreness, improves circulation, reduces inflammation, while enhancing endurance. Cold therapy also gives you a temporary boost in testosterone. Try cold therapy 30 minutes prior to workouts.

  • IMPORTANT TO NOTE : Cold therapy after a workout will slower your muscle recovery. If using cold therapy after a workout, wait 4-5 hours before doing so.


  • Protein. Aim for 1 g of protein for per pound of body weight per day.

  • Creatine. Both monohydrate and HCL help build muscle, strength, and aid in recovery

  • Amino Acids. BCAA or EAA helps with muscle fatigue by preventing your body from using the amino acids in your muscles for energy. Carbohydrates prior to and during your workout will also stop your body from using the amino acids in your muscles for energy.

  • Immune support. Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Zinc, will help keep your immune system strong while training. Training hard can lower your immune system.

  • NAD +. NAD helps repair cells and combats oxidative stress. NAD will also increase stamina for tough workouts.

More training weeks will be added as this project progresses.

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